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Welcome to Your New Home

The information on this page will provide you with a summary of how to be a great tenant and help you settle in quickly. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us. customerservice@edlongroup.com

Tenancy Agreement Explained

  1. The tenancy agreement is between you (the tenant) and the owner of the property (the landlord). Edlon Group may be appointed as an agent to the landlord and will act on their behalf.
  2. The terms of the agreement describe how many tenants may live at the property and who they are, our expectations around caring for the property, if you are allowed to have pets and the conditions around keeping a pet and any special conditions agreed by you and the landlord.
  3. A move-in condition report forms part of the agreement. It is a photographic record of the condition of the property before you move in and records things such as existing marks or damage to walls and floor. This report should be completed by you and the landlord and signed by both parties. In signing this you are agreeing to the condition of the property at the time you move in.
You are responsible for:

Payments: Deposit and Rent

  1. A deposit of a maximum of two months rent will need to be paid to Edlon Group Trust Account before you can move into the property. This deposit will be lodged with Tenancy Services. When you leave the property the deposit money will be refunded if you have left it clean and tidy and there is no damage. The refund and any deductions needs to be agreed by both you and the landlord.
  2. The monthly rent must be paid in advance. Your rent will be reviewed annually and you will receive a letter telling you of any change 60 days before the change is due to be made. Your rent must be paid on time. Please call us immediately if you are unable to make a payment on time.

Property Inspections

Edlon will inspect the property at intervals selected by the landlord. These can be no more than once a month but are usually every five or six months. You will be notified of an inspection at least 48 hours before it takes place. You do not need to be home during the inspection.

Moving Out

If you wish to end your tenancy you must give us 21 days written notice that you will be moving out. If you are on a fixed term tenancy you will be responsible for the rent payments until the end of your term unless the landlord agrees to let you out sooner than the fixed date.

When you leave the property there will be an out-going condition report. If there is any damage to the property at the end of your tenancy the cost of repair will be deducted from the deposit you paid when moving in. All deposit deductions must be by mutual agreement.